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HomeFeaturesYour stars by Russell Grant

Your stars by Russell Grant

ARIES March 21st – April 20th
The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th prompts you to do something drastic to your appearance; you’re tired of being stereotyped. A highly romantic gesture makes you feel loved and adored. Be sure to return the favour. The Full Moon on November 6th brings some good news. Your love life gets a big boost at mid-month. The New Moon on the 22nd will put you in an ethical dilemma. You may have to remain silent about a troubling issue, at least until November winds to a close.

TAURUS April 21st – May 21st
The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings an end to an oppressive situation. Stress has taken a toll on your health; take this opportunity to rest, relax and recuperate. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd launches an exciting new relationship. Your best friend or lover will help you make beautiful home improvements at the start of November. Let a loved one relieve you of heavy responsibilities during the second half of the month.

GEMINI May 22nd – June 21st
Romance and finance will not mix in early October; don’t lend or borrow money during this tense time. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd could present you with a great opportunity. The beginning of November is wonderful for launching creative projects and brainstorming with other creative people. Partnerships will be a source of strain on the 22nd, when the New Moon causes all sorts of misunderstandings to occur.

CANCER June 22nd – July 23rd
Opportunities connected with travel, education and publishing are especially good for you in October. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd is perfect for launching a creative project that has deep personal meaning. Focus on what you want and then go for it. Let someone close to your heart pamper you in the opening days of November. Love is in the air throughout mid-November. If you’re single, you will meet someone special. If you’re in a relationship, take this opportunity to plan a vacation.

LEO July 24th – August 23rd
It will be difficult to contain your anger toward a colleague at the beginning of October. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd brings happy news regarding your family, and the month will end on a happy note.
November’s Full Moon on the 6th marks a superb career achievement; you could be given a prize or bonus for excellence. If you’re in a committed relationship, talk with your partner about your goals. Taking a short trip for fun will help you feel more aligned to your partner.

VIRGO August 24th – September 23rd
A Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings a disturbing secret to light. It just goes to show you should never put people on pedestals. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd brings good news. It looks like you’ll be going on an exciting trip. Financial negotiations will go very well in the beginning of November. The New Moon on the 22nd puts pressure on your domestic life. A colleague will prove especially helpful during this period.

LIBRA September 24th – October 23rd
Don’t get drawn into a power struggle with a manipulative relative. Good news from your business or romantic partner will benefit you financially. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th will bring an end to a problematic relationship. Let your family relieve you of a burden during the first week of November, or you could suffer from burnout. The middle of November will be filled with moneymaking opportunities. The New Moon on the 22nd brings troubling news about a sibling, neighbour, or cousin.

SCORPIO October 24th – November 22nd
Don’t let cruel comments prevent you from embarking on a programme of self-improvement in early October. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd will prompt you to change your look in some radical way and the results will be thrilling. You’ll get wonderful words of praise as October turns to November. Bask in the glory of this praise, as it will give you the courage to launch a bold creative endeavour. The Full Moon on the 6th prompts you to pay more attention to your best friend or lover, who is feeling a little neglected.

SAGITTARIUS November 23rd – December 21st
Don’t let money get in the way of having fun. Spending time with friends will prove therapeutic. If you’re looking for a job, you could find one through a personal contact. The Solar Eclipse on the 23rd will trigger a spiritual breakthrough. Life will feel purposeful and rewarding as October turns to November. The Full Moon on the 6th brings the end to a worthy challenge and you’ll feel justifiably proud of the results. Don’t make any serious commitments at the end of the month.

CAPRICORN December 22nd – January 20th
No matter how much pressure you put on an authority figure, you will not get your way in early October. This is the best time of the entire year to move up the ladder of success. Put a little extra effort into your appearance. Mid-November will make your social life sparkle. The New Moon on the 22nd will force you to protect some secret information. This situation will make you highly uncomfortable. Relatives will prove surprisingly sympathetic.

AQUARIUS January 21st – February 19th
October’s Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings disappointing news. Fortunately, your best friend or lover will be poised to help you through this difficult time. Be receptive to a little tender loving care. Trust their opinion in the beginning of November. Their expertise will help you make the best decision. The New Moon on the 22nd will prompt you to get involved with a group project. Although the motives of this organisation are good, their methods will be less than impressive.

PISCES February 20th – March 20th
Stand firm against peer pressure in the opening days of October. Going against the grain has always been your style. The end of October ends on a definite high note. Your star is on the rise; enjoy the ride. The middle of November will prompt you to deepen your knowledge of your favourite subject. The New Moon on the 22nd brings an enticing opportunity, but don’t be so quick to accept. It’s possible there are a lot of hidden strings attached.

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