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What summer has in store for you

TOP astrologer RUSSELL GRANT looks at what’s in store for you this summer …

ARIES (Mar 21/Apr 20)

MAY: Taking on a special assignment will let your intelligence shine. Indulge your sensual side on the 19th. There will be a sporty feeling to the day on the 23rd. If you have been thinking about some kind of sporting outlet, the Full Moon pushes you to have a go at this now. A relative will have some good news that will make you breathe a sigh of relief on the 27th. Fun family pastimes will be a great outlet for your energy on the 30th.

JUNE: As the month begins, get back in touch with someone who is waiting to hear from you They will be delighted to receive your message. Exploring greener pastures on the 4th will make for a welcome change. The New Moon on the 6th marks the start of a chapter of chat, gossip, communication and information. You will enjoy visiting exotic places that have a foreign flavour. The 13th is a good day to study for a test or examination. It won’t be a good idea to take the financial advice of a friend too seriously on the 16th. Their ideas on how to economise are likely to be unrealistic and impractical. Upheavals can be offset by diplomacy on the 20th. The Full Moon on the 22nd will bring the full consequences of decisions and actions made earlier in the month.

JULY: You have a lot to contemplate on the 5th when the New Moon will bring an unexpected and unusual offer your way. It will be necessary to discuss some options with your family before you go any further. It is important to show you care for someone through deeds on the 11th and not just words. People need to see that you do mean what you say. Be patient with a youngster on the 18th. They won’t be asking for a lot. They’re just in need of some helpful advice. The Full Moon on the 21st warns you not to set your sights too high especially if you already have a number of irons in the fire. Neither should you make promises you can’t keep. A white lie could lead to an argument on the 23rd when you catch someone tripping over their words. Be certain that you speak the truth in all dealings.

AUGUST: Your love life will receive a welcome boost on the 4th when the New Moon brings pleasant developments that will put a close relationship onto a new footing. Keep working hard to improve your skills on the 7th and by the 15th you will achieve an impressive breakthrough. Your willingness to study, practice and research new techniques along with your strong communication skills will impress those in high places. Fond memories will prompt you to return to a childhood hobby on the 15th. Whether this is painting, playing music or writing poetry, you need this creative outlet to bring some joy into your life. Friends who usually get on well with each other will be suddenly at odds on the 19th. You may have no choice but to work with this team when the Full Moon suggests that like it or not, you seem to be the one who has to encourage cooperation.

TAURUS (Apr 21/May 21)

MAY: You might look confident on the 18th but inwardly you will be feeling unsure of yourself. Stop being so self-critical. Think about all your past successes. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and keep telling yourself you can do this. You might run into an old friend or lover on the 23rd. Alternatively you could be returning to a previous situation that was never ended to your satisfaction. The Full Moon will bring a conclusion to such matters and this will allow you to move on to better things. The 25th is a good time to focus on correcting a personal weakness.

JUNE: The New Moon on the 6th makes this a good time for going over finances and expense sheets and catching up on paperwork. Be certain to keep an eye on the performance and conduct of partners, both in business and romance on the 8th. Someone will be acting in a way that might give you a bad name. Your finances will get a boost from investment returns or from commission on business earnings on the 15th. This will allow you to pay off any debts still hanging round your neck. Seek new sights on the 22nd when the Full Moon makes you restless and longing for a change of scenery or activity. Getting involved in neighbourhood issues will make you a local celebrity on the 29th. Joining forces with others to support a good cause will be empowering.

JULY: The New Moon on the 5th gives your confidence a boost as you make a firm decision to do something to make your life more fulfilling. A meeting or conference you hadn’t been looking forward to will go better than expected on the 10th. A senior colleague will invite you to make more use of a creative skill in your work. Add some colour to your surroundings on the 11th and this will keep your spirits bright. You will see some dramatic changes in your social world on the 15th. A friendship you once enjoyed no longer feels as meaningful. New bonds are being formed with people outside your social circle. Brace yourself for delays and setbacks if you are travelling on the 21st. The Full Moon can create havoc with travel plans. Your schedule is less packed on the 25th giving you more time to spend with the family.

AUGUST: The New Moon on the 4th injects a domestic situation with a sense of calm and cooperation. Have a long talk on the 6th about recent mix-ups and misunderstandings. Learning to talk freely about your emotions helps other people understand you better and this will take the strain off your closest relationships. Money from a gift, bonus or an activity you love makes it easier to enjoy some luxuries on the 14th. You might also use this extra cash to finance a cherished dream. Booking a long haul holiday, buying a vehicle or a holiday home are among the possibilities. On the 19th you will be asked to fill in for a colleague who is on leave. You will take to these new duties like a duck to water. Your promotional prospects will be discussed on the 19th when the Full Moon brings the recognition you deserve from those in high places.

GEMINI (May 22/June 21)

MAY: The 18th will be a quieter day than normal and this will allow you to put the finishing touches to a creative task you have been enjoying. It will be hard for you and a partner to find common ground on the 23rd when the Full Moon magnifies misunderstandings. At least you will be particularly persuasive on the 30th which means it shouldn’t be too hard to win over even the most stubborn relative or colleague.

JUNE: You might wish you could look into the future when the New Moon on the 6th brings a selection of options. You have an important decision to make and you can only do this by weighing the pros and cons of the situation. You will be drawing a lot of attention to yourself on the 13th even though it is not your intention to do so. You just seem to have a magnetism that attracts other people to you. Your captivating personality will impress people in a test or interview situation on the 15th. Don’t hesitate to promote your past achievements. Fees for regular services and activities have rocketed. The Full Moon on the 22nd warns you to check bank statements as some suppliers will have increased direct debits without having informed you about it. An argument over finances will at least clear the air on the 28th.

JULY: With the New Moon on the 5th a show of enterprise and initiative will have impressive financial implications. Don’t be reluctant to join in conversations about the future on the 8th. People are hoping to make firm arrangements and the more thorough the planning stage, the more likely it is that everything will go well. Get up to date with existing bills on the 18th and be sensible when handling financial resources. If life lacks excitement and you want a challenge, the Full Moon on the 21st will remind you that there are better possibilities you need to explore. You won’t seem to have a lot of energy on the 23rd and though it will take a lot of effort, you will slowly make headway in jobs that matter. Share hobbies, interests and activities with friends on the 30th to get the most out of the day.

AUGUST: The New Moon on the 4th will fill you with determination to start on fresh ideas or to return to plans you had almost given up on. All of a sudden you will feel more optimistic about your ability to make these work. An exciting opportunity to start a new chapter will come on the 14th. Don’t let a fear of the unknown stop you from moving forward. Studying a fascinating subject will bring out the best in you. On the 19th an older relative will complain about you doing too much for someone who isn’t part of your family. This is an argument you won’t be drawn into. Travel plans will be changed at the last moment on the 19th when the Full Moon adds confusion to arrangements. You can’t say you are disappointed when you may not have been looking forward to this trip or journey, anyway.

CANCER (June 22/July 23)

MAY: A breakthrough that occurs on the 17th will enable you to reach a personal goal. The Full Moon on the 23rd prompts you to start taking more care of your body. Go for healthy eating choices like fresh produce and whole grains. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. You’re aware of your powerful sixth sense on the 25th. Your insights will border on the psychic. On the 30th you will need to contact someone about a long-term project you are working on. It will be frustrating to discover they are absent from work or away on holiday.

JUNE: Put prejudices to one side on the 6th as the New Moon prompts you to keep an open mind. The more eccentric and unlikely a scheme sounds, the more likely it is to prove profitable. It will be easier to promote your own interests from behind the scenes on the 11th. At times it will seem like the more significant events are taking place in the background. A rival who likes to be in the lead will be missing out on the best opportunities. You aren’t being fair to a partner or close friend by ignoring their feelings on the 22nd. If they want to talk, get it over with. Besides, the Full Moon warns that being in a bad mood all the time will drain your energy. Hosting a party will be fun on the 29th when guests invited to your home will appreciate your company and hospitality.

JULY: The New Moon on the 5th will give you a feeling that your future prospects don’t actually look too bad. This will also bring a more relaxed frame of mind. Allow imaginative ideas to flow on the 11th and you will come up with ways to improve your home or workplace or both, through adding some personal touches. You will enjoy any chance you get to team up with an old friend or partner on the 15th. Are you single? This might be the opening you need to suggest rekindling an old relationship. The Full Moon on the 21st will bring new joint responsibilities. You may not be keen on all tasks you agree to do but you will do the best job you can. You always do what you can to make life easier for your family and loved ones. Think of yourself for a change and splash out on a few luxuries on the 30th.

AUGUST: Someone will pay back some money you had forgotten they’d borrowed from you on the 4th. Look on this as a gift from the universe as the New Moon will be encouraging you to buy something special for yourself. Buy a new outfit, go for a spa treatment or enjoy a gourmet meal. You’re long overdue for a treat. If you’re looking for work, apply for jobs on the 8th that are connected with art, luxury goods or entertainment. An employer who encourages creativity will be happy to provide you with additional training. A legal contract will be negotiated on the 19th but don’t be in a rush to get this over with. The Full Moon cautions you to find out all that is entailed before you sign that dotted line. Don’t do anything impetuous on the 28th as sometimes you can be too trusting and you don’t want to fall victim to someone’s deceitful behaviour.

LEO (July 24/Aug 23)

MAY: Going above and beyond the call of duty on the 18th will improve your professional status. Ask a partner to keep a hold of your bank card on the 23rd if you are trying to keep to a budget. The Full Moon will be putting temptations your way and you may not be able to restrain yourself from splashing out on a luxury item.

JUNE: The 1st will bring a series of changes that should enable you to expand your horizons. Block out any thoughts you may have about remaining as you are. Whether it is through study, travel or teaching, this is a time of movement and personal growth. The New Moon on the 6th will bring some happy news that gives you and your family something special to celebrate. An overly direct approach will have adverse consequences on the 11th. Do your best to avoid head on confrontations. It will be annoying to have to attend a meeting or interview arranged at the last minute on the 16th but the results will be worth any inconvenience The Full Moon on the 22nd suggests you have a stretch of old fashioned hard slog to look forward to. A journey on the 29th will give you a chance to see how the other half lives.

JULY: The New Moon on the 5th brings conditions that allow you to go ahead with matters that concern your personal life. You will already have put a lot of thought into what you want to do. The 8th brings the start of a journey that will have lasting consequences. Be sure to take advantage of an unexpected opportunity to study an exciting subject. Out of the options ahead of you now, choose the ones that make life meaningful for you. Things will get worse before they get better under the Full Moon on the 21st. Conditions gradually improve but be prepared for arguments and misunderstandings. You’re worrying about things that may never happen on the 23rd. Instead of preying on negatives, consider the positive possibilities of all situations. It will feel as if you have no energy whatsoever on the 30th. Push through this as getting out with friends will be an excellent tonic.

AUGUST: Disruptions in your daily schedule on the 2nd will cause you to have to juggle your time and resources until new routines are established. Be sure to snap up an unusual offer on the 4th when the New Moon brings some interesting options your way. You won’t want to miss out on a great opportunity. A change in arrangements on the 18th will be unsettling but eventually this will put you in a better position. It might not seem so at the time but what is happening now will steer you towards a whole new path that will be more rewarding. Take a little time to get your bearings straight on the 19th when the Full Moon can throw some confusion into a joint enterprise. Dividends from an investment will be disappointingly low on the 28th. Instead of reinvesting in material stocks, invest in your own happiness.

VIRGO (Aug 24/Sept 23)

MAY: If you need to chat to a partner or housemate about their spending, they will agree with your views on the 22nd. Your thoughts will keep wandering on the 23rd when the Full Moon makes concentration difficult. Wait until the 30th before considering a proposal that could change your life if you do decide to accept it.

JUNE: Efficiency gets the job done on the 1st. You won’t stop until you get results and this is how you will make significant headway with an ambitious project. Don’t be surprised if you are offered a promotion on the 4th. This could bring a change in duties and responsibilities but it won’t take long for you to adapt to new circumstances. Intuitively you will be drawn to specific people, areas and activities on the 6th when the New Moon gently pushes you to follow your instincts. You will be reminded on the 14th that you don’t have to spend all your time on work, responsibilities and the serious side of life. The influence of a new friend or partner on the 16th will have extremely positive results. The Full Moon on the 22nd warns that friendships will suffer if you aren’t willing to nurture them.

JULY: If it’s a while since you had some fun, the New Moon on the 5th will bring some great opportunities to improve your social world. Keep an eye on what is happening in the workplace on the 8th as you won’t want to miss out on a chance to get involved in an interesting assignment. You are not imagining things that aren’t there on the 12th. Someone will be saying one thing but meaning another. Trust your intuition. An issue that caused problems in the past will be brought up again on the 15th. Misunderstandings can be ironed out with the help of the Full Moon on the 21st but the only way this is going to happen is for everyone to be willing to talk. You would rather be out having some fun on the 30th but you are needed at home and domestic commitments cannot be ignored.

AUGUST: A friend or neighbour will try to invade your privacy on the 2nd. Even at the risk of upsetting someone, you have to protect your own interests. If there is something you really want, the New Moon on the 4th asks you to share your hopes with people who may be able to help you. A senior colleague will be surprisingly obliging. The 7th is a great day to go after a cherished dream. Arguments over money will weigh heavily on your mind on the 18th. Stand your ground if you are trying to get your fair share of a settlement. Don’t be intimidated by someone with a powerful personality. If you’re thinking about making a career change on the 19th the Full Moon cautions you to consider the real reason behind this. Having more control over your schedule will allow you to escape from the stress of office politics.

LIBRA (Sept 24/Oct 23)

MAY: It won’t take a lot to discourage you on the 23rd . Even everyday tasks will seem to drain your energy under the Full Moon. You expect things to go wrong even though they won’t. Your confidence has taken a knock and if you have worries on your mind, discussing these with a trusted friend would be better than to suffer in silence.

JUNE: Visiting nearby places of historic interest will curb your restless spirit on the 4th. Meeting up with an adventurous friend on the 5th will make you curious about the world and keen to look into travel possibilities. Whether in the home or the workplace, the New Moon on the 6th makes this a good time for finding compromises. Anyone linked with home, property and domestic matters will be incredibly cooperative on the 17th. Choose this date to ask for some special favours. Instead of waiting for other people to make decisions, the Full Moon on the 22nd pushes you to take the initiative. Doing so will give you a sense of liberation. You won’t want to turn down the chance to take part in a group related exercise on the 29th. It will be fun to team up with someone who has very different skills. You will learn a lot from each other.

JULY: Your happy and enthusiastic outlook on the 5th will attract like-minded people your way. Set goals together under the New Moon and you will achieve something special. In order to realise a personal ambition on the 10th, be prepared to push yourself harder. Be sure senior colleagues know of your desire to move up the ladder of success. Someone will return an item you never expected to see again on the 18th. Even so you will be careful about what you lend out in the future. A lot of energy will be invested in family and domestic concerns on the 21st when the Full Moon pushes you to bring an ongoing project to an end. A friend will provide the inspiration for some unusual plans on the 23rd. You will be excited about this idea even if your partner raises a few objections.

AUGUST: You will get by with a little help from your friends on the 4th. There’s a happy and harmonious feel to relationships courtesy of a friendly New Moon. Online conversations on the 7th will lead you to someone who can help you solve a domestic problem. It will be important not to squander any spare cash on the 14th. Keep a hold of your funds and avoid extravagant spending. You’re trying to understand why you feel so uneasy with a situation or relationship. The Full Moon on the 19th will reveal the answer. With this insight you will be able to make more confident decisions. Entertainment and pleasure plans should be made with care on the 28th or someone will quickly find an excuse to pull out of these arrangements. Are you single? There’s a good chance you will meet someone special at a concert or sporting event on the 29th.

SCORPIO (Oct 24/Nov 22)

MAY: A disagreement on the 17th will cause conflicting emotions. Are you letting someone’s petty criticism undermine your enjoyment of life? Spending some time alone in quiet contemplation will give you a stronger sense of self. You and a close friend or partner can resolve problems that have been causing tension on the 23rd. This is definitely the right time to kiss and make up. Are you single? The Full Moon will bring a passionate encounter that will give you reason to reassess your relationship priorities.

JUNE: You will feel more confident about getting plans for the future underway on the 6th when the New Moon inspires you to get going on these. Your days, at the start of June, can be as glorious as you want them to be. Whatever your circumstances, you will find something to be happy about. With this positive attitude, your blessings will multiply and grow. Relationships with workmates, your boss or a senior colleague can be improved or cemented on the 13th. Think about inviting them to your home for a meal or a drink or arrange a casual get together away from your workplace. It will be hard work but fun to take on a challenge from a rival on the 17th. You won’t get a lot of chances to relax and the Full Moon on the 22nd tempts you to treat yourself to some naughty extravagance, and why not? Don’t you deserve it?

JULY: Plans that were being kept on hold until the time was right to return to them will be re-considered and the New Moon on the 5th will be a perfect time to bring these back out into the open. If a lack of qualifications is holding you back, the 10th will bring a chance for you to get some advanced training. A partner will take your suggestions to make some changes seriously on the 15th when ultimately you both want the same thing. You will soon get over any disappointments caused by the Full Moon on the 21st when things may go slightly wrong but if you keep calm, you will resolve problems very quickly. The 23rd is another day when you should take care not to let emotions get the better of you. It’s important to keep a cool head, both in business and romance.

AUGUST: A workplace situation will cause a lot of tension on the 2nd. Is it time for a change of policy? A social or business proposal made to you on the 4th should be considered only if there are no strings attached. The New Moon makes you hopeful and cautious optimism is advised. An assignment, task or errand you take on, on the 7th will allow you to work in private. This can also be used as an excuse to escape a tense situation. Family will be placing extra demands on you on the 18th and you will start feeling annoyed with the way some relatives are shirking their responsibilities. Solutions will be found to ongoing difficulties on the 19th, courtesy of the Full Moon. Your imagination is strong and artistic projects will keep your creativity fuelled on the 29th. A painting or photography exhibition will excite your imagination

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23/Dec 21)

MAY: Don’t be too hasty to put suggestions of workmates and housemates into operation on the 17th. A more detailed look at advice they offer will reveal faulty thinking on their part. You might pick up a great bargain at a jumble sale or in a charity shop on the 19th. Then don’t be surprised if the Full Moon on the 23rd brings a repeat performance of a past situation. This time you will want to resolve the matter so you won’t have to go through the same thing ever again.

JUNE: Joint arrangements on the 1st will inspire you and a partner to build something of lasting value, together. Whether this is a new home, a business plan or a joint creative project is immaterial. What’s important is that you are creating something you will both enjoy. At the same time as the New Moon on the 6th you will find it easier to get on the same wavelength as others who are involved in important discussions, negotiations and transactions. Spending on social pleasures will be unnecessarily high on the 16th. Set a spending limit beforehand. Romance too could prove costly at this time. There will be some awkward moments on the 22nd if financial arrangements were not agreed on earlier when the Full Moon brings some money related tension. You might think about exploiting a creative talent to make money as the month ends.

JULY: If you have been hoping to launch a special project, the New Moon on the 5th brings the moment you have been waiting for. You have your work cut out on the 10th but you aren’t alone. Someone you hardly know will offer to help and you will be impressed by their efficiency. This could be the start of a long and happy friendship. Your attempts to do too much too quickly will create health problems on the 15th. It will be important to slow down. Recharging your batteries on the 20th does not mean you are being lazy. Occasionally it does you good to stop and smell the flowers. Stay focused on the 21st when with the Full Moon, it would be all too easy to make unrealistic plans and projections. A change of scenery will be enjoyed on the 30th and this will also be a great way to reduce stress.

AUGUST: Old routines will make you restless on the 2nd. You’re ready for a change of scenery. A sporting hobby, study opportunity or day’s trip out to a peaceful place will bring satisfaction on the 4th. The New Moon encourages you to make choices based on your own interests and desires. Spending time with offbeat, creative friends will be refreshing on the 14th. Travel, artistic pursuits and charity work are all things that will bring you joy. A business opportunity will come your way on the 19th when the Full Moon puts you in a perfect position to take advantage. If you are out of work and looking for a job, start filling in applications. Keep believing in yourself on the 24th and you will overcome a difficult situation. Finding outlets for your creativity will lessen the disappointment of professional setbacks on the 28th.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22/Jan 20)

MAY: The Full Moon on the 23rd will make you nostalgic when some happy and some not so happy memories will come flooding back. A family feud will be resolved on the 29th and you will find increasing contentment within your home as a haven of peace is restored.

JUNE: If you want to get ahead on the 6th the New Moon prompts you to get your head down and completely ignore someone who tries to distract you. Completing work ahead of schedule on the 11th will make you the envy of your rivals. On the 16th, there will seem to be nothing but questions, more questions and no answers. You will admit that figuring out the best solutions is for someone who has more experience than you and you will happily support a talented leader. Changes and upheavals will knock your schedule for six on the 22nd when the Full Moon causes some chaos and confusion. Before getting angry, consider whether old routines may have needed a shake-up. This is your chance to settle into a happier pattern. A partner will need your encouragement on the 29th when they are thinking of trying something they have never done before.

JULY: If you and a partner feel as if you are growing out of touch with each other, the New Moon on the 5th urges you to do something about it. Take this opportunity to mend relationship problems while you still have time. Someone close has a proposal to put to you on the 10th. Once you’ve heard this, you won’t hesitate in your response as this will be like a dream come true. Nothing will seem to go right on the 15th which makes you feel slightly isolated and misunderstood. Don’t listen to anyone who accuses you of setting impossible goals for yourself. A problem that crops up on the18th will have a simple solution. You know what you are capable of and the Full Moon on the 21st will bring pleasing results for your effort. Jobs that you usually find difficult will be handled with ease on the 30th.

AUGUST: Channel any frustrations into physical activity on the 2nd. A long walk, bike ride or working in the garden will relieve tension. Security you seek on the 4th will come from getting the right balance between joint commitments and personal interests. The New Moon inspires you to get started on something you have always wanted to do. Steer away from people who will try to put you in the path of temptation on the 14th. Overindulgence or partying all night will take a toll on your system. A decision about who pays for what in a partnership needs to be made on the 19th when the Full Moon highlights the importance of getting financial matters agreed on now. This will help avoid disagreements over money in the future. A legal matter will be decided in your favour on the 27th. This means one less thing for you to have to worry about.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21/Feb 19)

MAY: You can’t afford to go by superficial impressions on the 17th. Whatever might concern you at this time, you need to get straight to the heart of the matter. Leave nothing unspoken when it comes to money issues involving family and friends. You all need to decide on how funds are going to be divided and who is responsible for what payments. You’re getting somewhere on the 23rd and starting to see results of something you have been working on for some time. The Full Moon will bring a challenging project to an end.

JUNE: You’ve focused a lot on other people’s needs. The New Moon on the 6th reminds you that being kind to yourself does not make you selfish. Start doing things that make you feel happy too. If a job you have always wanted becomes available on the 9th, be sure to apply. Update your cv and prepare work samples to be reviewed during an interview. Invest in a smart business suit. A project that is your brainchild will get the green light on the 17th. Celebrate with your nearest and dearest. Inside information gives you an unfair advantage over your competitors under the Full Moon on the 22nd. How you use this will be entirely up to you. Regular exercise, eating nutritious food and getting enough sleep will all help towards improving your health on the 29th. Treat your body with gentle respect.

JULY: Work becomes a pleasure on the 5th when you take up a creative challenge. The New Moon creates an atmosphere of support and encouragement. An award or bonus will be offered on the 7th which will embarrass you slightly but you have earned this so don’t turn it down. As well as the joy you get from a group situation on the 12th you have it within you to make a friend’s day so you won’t just be thinking of yourself. An invitation to a glamorous event on the 20th will give you a chance to meet some new and influential faces. Play your cards right and someone will make you an offer you will not want to refuse. Emotions will be up and down like a see-saw on the 21st when the Full Moon brings a degree of confusion and chaos. This is not a good day to make important decisions.

AUGUST: A job you take on that no one else wants to do on the 2nd will be difficult and demanding. It might feel like the end result isn’t worth the effort but at least you will get it finished which is more than can be said for others. Partnership matters dominate on the 4th when the New Moon favours joint agreements and arrangements. If you are married or about to be so, there are important matters you now need to discuss with each other. Are you single? You will meet someone new at a fundraising event. This relationship will bring you much joy and laughter. If you feel as if your efforts aren’t being appreciated, the Full Moon on the 19th will reveal how someone has actually been noticing your dedication to a team effort. A bonus, grant or prize will be awarded to you on the 28th in appreciation for your talent.

PISCES (Feb 20/Mar 20)

MAY: Keep away from your favourite online stores on the 18th if you want to keep a hold of your money. The Full Moon on the 23rd will push you to complete an important professional project well ahead of schedule. Anyone who wrote you off as being a hopeless dreamer will admit they had you all wrong.

JUNE: Expect to feel a strong desire to transform your domestic environment in some way on the 6th when the New Moon inspires you to get started on a home improvement project. Take this opportunity to redecorate your living room, bedroom or kitchen. Create a colour scheme that invites relaxation and happiness. A change of scenery or surroundings on the 13th will have an invigorating effect. Dealings with estate agents, landlords and other parties involved in property will go well on the 21st. This is a good time to engage builders or maintenance people for work that needs doing in your home. The long-term prospects of a group project are significantly blurry that the Full Moon on the 22nd will bring some tough decisions. A plan needs to be made and people need to stick to it. Both in the home and the workplace, your creativity will be a decided asset on the 29th.

JULY: On the 5th, the New Moon pours love and compassion into your closest relationships. Your family and loved ones are more understanding than ever. This will give you the courage to share your more adventurous hopes and dreams with them. You will be thinking about trying some form of alternative therapy on the 10th to help ease an allergy that aggravates you now and again. Events on the 13th will be amusing and bordering on the comical. A career success on the 18th will pave the way to you realising some even bigger dreams. If you’ve been overspending, take a close look at your budget on the 20th to work out how you stand financially. Be direct and speak your mind and business negotiations will be successful on the 21st. The Full Moon encourages openness and honesty in all communications. Take it easy on the 30th when a health problem is brought to your attention.

AUGUST: The hours will zip by on the 4th when the New Moon encourages a mood of harmony and cooperation. A team effort will pave the way for stronger bonds being formed and this makes work an absolute pleasure. Keep an eye on a youngster in the family on the 7th if their behaviour has been causing you some concern. Take them to one side for a quiet conversation. Even if they don’t show it, they will appreciate your advice. Life will bring an unusual amount of variety on the 14th. Just be certain that in your desire to be involved in everything, you don’t take on more than you can chew. Daydreaming is all very well on the 19th and the Full Moon will fill your mind with creative ideas but you need to be practical too. Your imagination has no part to play in a job you have to do at this time.






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