TOP astrologer RUSSELL GRANT takes a look at what the stars have in store for all of us in 2016.
ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)
You’ll be turning heads wherever you go. Your ideas, your inspirations and your individualism help you stand out from the crowd as you create a potential packed atmosphere of opportunity around your world of work, your love life and your social circle. Travel could be a main theme of 2016. If you’re looking for work, you might decide to work for a company that is based overseas. Alternatively, you could move to a foreign country and immerse yourself in a new creed or culture.
TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 21)
A desire to improve your prospects will prompt you to study. Adding to your qualifications could improve your chances of career success. It may take a long time to reach your goal, but be patient. If you keep your nose to the grindstone, the opportunities you seek will come your way. Money could be tight, but your chances of landing a loan, grant or scholarship will be good. If the pressure of studying becomes too stressful, channel your energy in a creative direction.
GEMINI (May 22 – Jun 21)
Creating the life you’ve always wanted has to be your primary mission in 2016. Don’t settle for second best. Settling down with your soulmate and landing your dream job are within your power. You will have to summon your courage and make some bold choices. Rather than maintaining a stultifying status quo, embrace your freedom and look for your ideal partner. Being with someone who seems to be your complete opposite will make life interesting.
CANCER (Jun 22 – Jul 23)
watching what you eat and taking more exercise can keep you strong and healthy. Avoid going to extremes. A sensible, moderate lifestyle will yield good results and will be easier for you to keep up. It’s important to give yourself the occasional treat in 2016. If you don’t, it will be difficult to meet your responsibilities and satisfy your employer. Invest in your health and happiness; they are your most precious possessions.
LEO (Jul 24 – Aug 23)
Developing your creative talent has to be a serious priority in 2016. Whether you’re a professional or a gifted amateur, it is important to devote time and attention to your work. People and activities that do not give you joy will fall by the wayside. Time will become more precious than ever and you won’t want to waste it on meaningless relationships and empty pastimes Visit a country that has spiritual meaning for you. This trip could give you a new lease on life.
VIRGO (Aug 24 – Sep 23)
Profound changes seem set to make this an exciting and engaging year. Not all of your decisions and choices will sit well with stuffy conservatives, but don’t worry. It’s better to fulfil your own desires than live up to other people’s expectations. If you’ve been thinking of moving, you may want to take a temporary property in 2016. This isn’t a good time to buy a house. Continue to save your money for property that is in good shape and has all the modern conveniences.
LIBRA (Sep 24 – Oct 23)
Spring could see you introducing a range of change into your life and lifestyle. You will sense a need to strike in a new direction. Trying to satisfy others will seem like an exercise in futility. Take this opportunity to move to a stimulating area, find rewarding work or explore new values and beliefs. Having more autonomy in your personal and professional lives will become increasingly important in 2016. Turn your back on convention and create the life that makes sense for you.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 22)
2016 marks an end to a domestic routine that no longer serves your needs. You may move to a different area, buy your own home or sell a piece of property. You’ll appreciate being with people who encourage you to look at life from all different perspectives. Explore your latent creative talents in 2016. Some of your most admirable attributes and aptitudes have lain dormant for far too long. This year will be your chance to dust them off and see what you can make of them.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 – Dec 21)
You may find yourself taking a leading role in 2016, but will you be happy with it? You’re far more comfortable challenging people and calling them to account for the decisions they’ve taken that affect your home, your work or your community. Once you have the opportunity to introduce your own ideas you will work long and hard for the good of all. Be patient with your family and friends as they adjust to this transition. They want to support you and you will need them behind you.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Some of the strength sapping negative notions and redundant relationships will have to go in 2016. You’ve never shied away from responsibility, but there’s a difference between doing jobs that make you feel virtuous and doing work out of a sense of guilt. Turn your back to the darkness and keep moving toward the light. Later in the year you will have to take on a challenging role. You’ll need to work hard, be energetic and enthusiastic. An upbeat approach to work will fuel your success.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21 – Feb 19)
Your social life will undergo some changes this year. You’ve always been popular and have never lacked for companionship. Although having lots of friends is fun, it can also be exhausting. You may decide to tighten your social circle. Spend time with people who uplift and support you. Later in the year you will consider ending a relationship that has been making you miserable. Embrace your freedom and make more time for the activities you neglected for far too long.
PISCES (Feb 20 – Mar 20)
Early in 2016 you will feel a growing need to break with bad habits and make a fresh and healthy new start. This may involve quitting drinking, leaving a toxic relationship or adopting better eating habits. The important thing is to treat yourself with the care and respect you deserve. Later in the year you will be far more assertive in close relationships. You will have a crystal clear understanding of what you want from life and the people with which you share your world.