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HomeNewsWheelchair marathon star Sarah sets new world hand cycling record record

Wheelchair marathon star Sarah sets new world hand cycling record record

sarah-worldLONDON Wheelchair Marathon champion Sarah Piercy has just become the fastest woman hand cyclist on earth!

Sarah’s sensational push at the World Human Powered Speed Challenge in Battle Mountain, Nevada set a new world record of 24.85mph – just 0.1 mph faster than the previous record.

Sarah said: “This has been the greatest sporting challenge of my life. Just a year ago, I would never have believed this could be possible.”

Sarah, who has competed in TEN London Marathons, including her win at the age of just 19 in 2000, added: “Throughout my life, I have always been up for a challenge, so when this opportunity came along I knew I wanted to be involved.”

podProject leader Adam Kyte, lecturer in Mechanical and Marine Engineering Design at Plymouth University, said: “We are all absolutely thrilled for Sarah.

“It was an incredible effort and the result of sheer determination on her part, and the whole team has worked so hard on the bike to maximise its performance.

Handcycle RAF St Mawgan Track testing with Sarah Piercy
RAF St Mawgan
Track testing with Sarah Piercy

It is that hard work that has ultimately made the difference between world record success and disappointment.

“From a personal perspective, this record is the result of a five-year rollercoaster ride and it has been one of the toughest but most fulfilling projects I’ve had the pleasure of being involved with.”

The challenge involved a five-mile cycle on a straight, flat, high altitude road before a timed section of 200 metres

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