TOP astrologer RUSSELL GRANT looks at what the stars have for YOU . . .
ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)
A friendly relationship could turn romantic on Valentine’s Day when someone you’ve known for years confesses a crush on you. This could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership. Mid-February could mark big changes on the social front for you, thanks to a Solar Eclipse on the 15th. It’s possible you will gain admission to an exclusive society. Rubbing elbows with exceptionally talented people will be stimulating. This could be your chance to acquire the cutting edge skills you need to succeed in a hi-tech field. The second half the month should be quiet, calm and reflective. Take this opportunity to catch up on your reading, take a few naps and commune with nature. Connecting with your spiritual side can help you deal with some old traumas that you experienced years ago. Now you have gained more insight, wisdom and perspective, you can overcome this deep pain. Stop letting others take control over your life.
Work will be stressful at the beginning of March, with too many responsibilities being heaped on your plate. The Full Moon on the 2nd will tear you away from a relaxing interlude, making you irritable. Try not to take out your frustrations on a colleague who is suffering just as much as you. It’s not their fault you are in this situation. By forming an alliance, you can chip away at your list of things to do. On the 17th, the New Moon will give you an opportunity to withdraw from public life and enjoy some solitude. If you’re in love, this would be a great time to connect in a meaningful way with your partner. Stay away from annoying distractions like social media, 24-hour news cycles and phone calls from needy friends. Another Full Moon on the 31st urges you to recommit to a partner or break up altogether.
TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)
Don’t turn down an invitation to attend a glamorous Valentine’s Day party. If you’re single, you’ll have your choice of admirers. Are you already in a serious relationship? Your partner will be proud to show you off. Wear something eye catching that enhances your natural good looks. Basking in the spotlight could be the prelude to a passionate evening. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse marks an exciting career opportunity. Working with a team of pioneers will make you more adventurous. Instead of sticking to tried and trusted methods, you’ll be more willing to experiment with bold ideas. The later part of February will find you spending quality time with friends. Talking with other like-minded innovative individuals will inspire you to launch a creative project of your own. Be open to the helpful feedback you receive from similarly imaginative people. Their advice will help you turn some good work into an impressive masterpiece.
A romance will meet a turning point on the 2nd, due to a pivotal Full Moon. It’s time to decide whether you’re going to get serious or part ways altogether. If you are in a committed partnership, things will be tense between you and your amour. Don’t let your practical approach to life undermine your love. A group activity on the 17th will be more fun than expected, thanks to a relaxed New Moon. If you’ve been looking for love, you will find it with one of your teammates. Have you been yearning to develop your creative talent? An accomplished artist in the group will be happy to mentor you. This will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Make sure you attend a festive party towards the middle of March. A flirtatious conversation will give you an attractive glow. On the 31st, a second Full Moon urges you to clear out clutter and tidy your work space.
GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)
You’ll have a lovely Valentine’s Day, whether single or attached. If you’re footloose and fancy free, go out and have a good time with friends. Celebrating the love in your life will lift your spirits and get your creative juices flowing. Are you in a relationship? Your amour will encourage you to go after a cherished dream. Take their advice; their support will catapult you to success. The Solar Eclipse on the 15th could find you taking a trip that changes the course of your life. Alternatively, a publishing or broadcasting venture could bring you fame and acclaim. If you have a chance to earn an advanced degree, go for it. Your employer could cover the cost of your tuition. February’s final days may find you basking in the spotlight. Those you live and work with will be impressed with your artistic ability. Assuming leadership of a creative department will be rewarding. Your kind and caring approach brings out the best in the team.
Your living situation will be difficult at the start of the month. A Full Moon on the 2nd urges you to find a home where you feel supported and nurtured. If you live too far from work, think about getting a place closer to your job. Spending all your time commuting has a suffocating effect on your personal life. Look for a place that is close to a park or garden. Beautiful plant life has a powerful effect on your outlook. The New Moon on the 17th marks an exciting career opportunity. Getting a promotion will allow you to exercise your creative muscles. Be open to learning advanced techniques from colleagues. At times, these lessons will be intense. When someone pushes you hard, strengthen your focus. The skills you acquire will serve you well and contribute to further career success. Another Full Moon on the 31st warns against rushing things with a love affair or creative project.
CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)
Valentine’s Day presents a wonderful opportunity to get up close and personal with your amour. There’s a good chance you’ll get engaged or exchange vows at this magical time. If you’ve already made a commitment, you may decide to undergo a radical lifestyle change together. Moving to another country or starting a business together are among the possibilities. The Solar Eclipse on the 15th could mark a handsome windfall from an insurance policy, legal settlement or inheritance. Use this money to achieve the professional independence you’ve always wanted. As February draws to a close, you’ll yearn to expand your horizons. Going on an overseas trip, enrolling in an advanced course or gaining expert knowledge will lift your spirits. As a general rule, you prefer familiar vistas and comforting routines. That will change this month, when an urge for adventure prompts you to do something totally out of character.
An upsetting exchange on social media will get under your skin. It’s best to stay away from threads involving politics, religion and current events. Someone who posts an offensive remark on the 2nd is looking for a fight. Taking their bait will be serious cause for regret. A comment made in anger could come back to haunt you; wait a full day to respond to upsetting remarks. The New Moon on the 17th will excite your spirit of adventure. Launching a business, going back to college or going an overseas trip are among the possibilities. You’re tired of following the rules. Stepping out of your familiar routine will be liberating. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special as a result of taking a gamble. Do you have a partner? Taking a new direction will bring you closer together. On the 31st, a second Full Moon will cause disruptions on the home front. Prepare for a family quarrel.
LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)
A wildly romantic Valentine’s Day is in the cards for you. If you’re dating someone special, there’s a good chance you’ll get engaged or married. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a religious, cultural or educational event. Keep your eyes open for someone who marches to the beat of their own drum. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse marks an exciting turning point in a partnership. This is a great time to tie the knot or enter into a business agreement. The terms of this union will be unconventional, which helps emphasise your star power. The second half of February makes your love life sizzle with excitement. It will be difficult to contain your passion for someone who makes their entry into your world. If you’re in a serious relationship, your partner could get a windfall that allows you to travel in style together. Visit a city that is famous for its glamour and intrigue.
Money from a job will be less than expected on the 2nd, due to a tense Full Moon. Let this be a lesson moving forward. If someone has violated a contract, you will have to get help from a legal professional to recoup your fee. Think through whether you want to go to the trouble and effort of a court battle. It may be better to cut your losses and leave this disappointment behind you. On the 17th, the New Moon helps you draw closer to someone you love. Whether you decide to move in together, get engaged or exchange vows is immaterial. The important thing is making a commitment to someone who has been loyal through good times and bad. Being the recipient of unconditional love has made you a better person. A second Full Moon on the 31st urges you to be on the alert for someone who is taking credit for your ideas.
VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)
You’ll be looking especially nice on Valentine’s Day. Don’t be surprised when your amour finds it impossible to keep their hands off you. Are you single? You could meet someone special through your job. Keep your eyes open for someone with a friendly demeanour who is more interested in ideas than appearances. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse will inspire you to adopt a new health regime. Changing your diet, taking more exercise and getting more sleep will make you feel years younger. It will also increase your productivity and enhance your natural good looks. The second half of February marks a dramatic improvement in your love life. Getting engaged or married is a distinct possibility. If you are already in a serious relationship, your amour could get a raise. Their additional income means good news for you. Book a luxury holiday you’ve both wanted to take for years.
It will be difficult to talk sense to a friend, romantic partner or business colleague at the beginning of March. The Full Moon on the 2nd has you working at cross purposes. Although it pains you to do so, it may be necessary to step aside and allow them to make a terrible mistake. The New Moon on the 17th finds you making a fresh start with someone special. If you’ve been fighting with your amour, take this opportunity to forgive past mistakes. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a spiritual, cultural or artistic gathering. This psychic connection will be powerful and reassuring. It’s a relief to finally be with someone who understands your quirks and admires your quest for perfection. Beware of a tendency to be hypercritical with your amour. On the 31st, you may be tempted to leave a steady job. Don’t quit until you find another position.
LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)
Valentine’s Day will be especially romantic for you. Whether you’re single or attached, you’re sure to have a lovely time with someone who greatly admires you. If you’ve had difficulty meeting interesting people, that could change after accepting an online request for a date. Do you have a partner? Your amour will have an exciting announcement that changes the course of your life together. Toast to your mutual good fortune. The Solar Eclipse on the 15th could bring surprising news of an engagement, marriage or pregnancy. Alternatively, it could mean you finally get the favourable publicity you deserve for your artwork. The second half of February finds you doing what you love and loving what you do. If you’ve been unemployed, you’ll be offered a rewarding job. Not only will you enjoy your responsibilities, but you’ll feel a deep affinity for your colleagues. One or two of them will become lifelong friends.
The Full Moon on the 2nd brings a painful secret to light. You feel betrayed by someone who kept their motives hidden from you. This manipulator will try to get back into your good graces. Don’t be fooled by their apparent apologies. Well intentioned friends might urge you to forgive and forget, but turn a deaf ear to their advice. You’re not going to be fooled again. On the 17th, the New Moon presents an ideal opportunity to start a job. Working for a company that appreciates your creative ability will be refreshing. Have you been worried about your health? This would be a good time to start a fitness regime. Improving your diet, taking regular exercise and getting more sleep will make you feel better. When you treat yourself well, others will do likewise. A second Full Moon on the 31st causes friction in a close relationship. Your partner will disapprove of your plans.
SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)
Treat yourself like royalty on Valentine’s Day. Getting a spa treatment, splashing out on creature comforts and enjoying a gourmet meal will make this one of the happiest days of the year. This is a golden opportunity to break out of a rut. When you treat yourself well, others will do the same. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse could mark an unexpected change in your home life. Moving to another neighbourhood, operating a business out of your home and living out of a suitcase are among the possibilities. There’s also a chance you could welcome a child or elderly relative into your home. Any addition to your household is destined to enhance it in a wonderful way. The final days of February will be highly romantic. If you’ve developed a crush on someone, ask them on a date. Are you dating someone seriously? You could get engaged or married. Single? You won’t be for long.
A group project comes to fruition on the 2nd. If you’ve developed tender feelings for one of your teammates, keep them to yourself. The object of your affection has been maintaining a false front. When you get to know them outside of this alliance, you’ll see some unpleasant qualities that are highly disturbing. If you’re looking for love, you’ll have a much better chance for finding it on the 17th. That’s when the New Moon will put you in the path of someone who excites your imagination. Are you already in a relationship? Seize a chance to showcase your creative ability. Selling your work to a publisher, boutique or gallery will be a tremendous source of pride. Word will spread of your talent and you’ll get some special commissions. On the 31st, the Full Moon will urge you to release a grudge. Dwelling on the past is making you bitter.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)
Valentine’s Day will be fun and flirtatious. Going to a lively nightclub will put you in the mood for love. You’ll enjoy exchanging witty remarks with an intelligent, intriguing newcomer. Are you single? You’ll meet someone special on a group outing with friends. Play hard to get with someone who tries catching your eye. Being pursued is good for your ego. A Solar Eclipse on the 15th marks a big change in your daily routine. Having more time for creative hobbies and sports will make your eyes sparkle with excitement. It will be such a relief to escape a demanding schedule that didn’t leave any room for fun. Late February invites you to take care of domestic matters. Finding a new place to live or making space for a relative or roommate are among the possibilities. Don’t be surprised when your restless energy eases with the approach of March. Staying home will actually be pleasurable.
An embarrassing situation could occur on the 2nd, due to a tense Full Moon. Someone will try to blame you for their mistakes. Instead of getting defensive, it will be better to accept this accusation with good grace. An executive who understands the score will reward your noble attitude. The New Moon on the 17th draws an excellent property deal into your orbit. Take this opportunity to buy or sell a house. Alternatively, you could welcome someone into your household. Making space for a baby, elderly relative or roommate will be cause for celebration. This addition to your home will make it a happy, cheerful place. Have you been arguing with a relative? Take this opportunity to extend an olive branch. Healing this breach will relieve a great deal of stress. The Full Moon on the 31st urges you to monitor the company you keep. Break ties with a shady manipulator who pretends to be your friend.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)
Don’t be surprised when this Valentine’s Day is especially fulfilling. Someone who understands your deep desire to have a vibrant family life will make your dream come true. If you’re happy and single, take this opportunity to throw a festive party for friends. Bringing together your nearest and dearest will give everyone a much needed lift. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse will attract an unexpected moneymaking opportunity. Any hi-tech venture is destined to put more money in your bank account. If you’ve ever wanted to launch your own business, this would be an ideal time to so, as you’ll attract enthusiastic investors. The second half of February finds you reading, studying and learning. Expanding your knowledge will be a labour of love. It’s easy to absorb information when you’re learning about a fascinating subject. A supportive teacher will encourage you to develop your creative skills. Take their advice.
A creative project will get a mixed reception on the 2nd. The Full Moon has created an air of confusion. Some people will instinctively love your work, while others will simply dismiss it. Try not to take the rejection personally. Instead of letting a disappointment get you down, use it as a launch pad to future success. On the 17th, the New Moon prompts you to launch an advertising campaign, blog or writing project. Discussing a subject that is close to your heart will pave the way to strong friendships. It’s reassuring to realise others feel as passionately as you about certain books, movies and musical styles. You’re tired of feeling like an outsider. Make some alliances; they’ll serve you well in surprising ways. A second Full Moon on the 31st urges you to conserve your energy. Don’t let a person flatter you into accepting a thankless job. Protect your interests.
AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)
You’ll have no trouble attracting admirers this Valentine’s Day. If you’re single, go on a date with someone who challenges your assumptions. Lively, spirited debates make you excited about the future. At long last, you’ve met a someone who engages both your mind and body. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will have thrilling news. Go out and celebrate a publishing venture or favourable publicity. On the 15th, a Solar Eclipse will prompt you to revamp your appearance. Getting a different hairstyle, undergoing a cosmetic procedure or overhauling your wardrobe will be lots of fun. Everyone will treat you differently as a result of this change. Doors that were once closed to you will suddenly fly open. Don’t be surprised if you’re able to get a date with an elusive unexpectedly able to move forward on a whole host of fronts from love and romance to work and finance
Go over your financial statements with a fine-toothed comb on the 2nd. That’s when the Full Moon will bring some troubling information to light. If you discover fraud or unauthorised activity, notify the authorities immediately. If you discover a romantic partner has been accessing your account, you must cut ties immediately. Don’t listen to lame excuses. You deserve a relationship that is founded in loyalty and trust. The New Moon on the 17th attracts a lucrative job offer. Taking this position will put you on the path of financial stability. It will also be emotionally fulfilling. Getting paid to help others will renew your faith in humanity. There are many people like you who are working hard to make the world a better place. Join forces; you won’t be sorry. A legal matter could come to a disappointing conclusion on the 31st, when a second Full Moon highlights a fundamental injustice.
PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)
Instead of having a lavish Valentine’s Day at a public place, you will prefer a candlelit dinner for two at a quiet little restaurant. Don’t be surprised if your amour gives you a lavish token of their affection. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a charitable organisation or spiritual group. Keep your eyes open for someone who is unusual and independent. The Solar Eclipse on the 15th is ideal for listening to your intuition. If you’re unsure which direction to take, sneak off to a private hideaway and turn your attention inward. A small, assured voice will tell you what to do. It’s also wise to pay careful attention to your dreams during the middle of February; they are urging you to take an untried path. Your charisma will be at an all-time high during the second half of the month. Make a sales pitch, ask for a date or request a favour.
A troubled partnership could finally come to an end. The Full Moon on the 2nd will convince you to explore greener pastures. Saying goodbye to a friend or romantic partner who doesn’t meet your needs will be a relief. If you’ve been working with an unappreciative business associate, you’ll finally be able to part ways. The New Moon on the 17th invites you to do something nice for yourself. Changing your hairstyle, revamping your wardrobe and undergoing a cosmetic procedure are among the possibilities. The important thing is to put your needs first. If you’ve been longing to go on a glamorous trip, book your tickets. This holiday will be empowering. Instead of doubting your abilities, your self-confidence will become stronger than ever. This is great news. A large payment or financial gain will be delayed on the 31st, when a second Full Moon cultivates greedy behaviour.