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What does summer have in store for you . . ?

RussellGrantSMALLTOP astrologer looks at what’s in store for you this summer . . .

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

Doing work around the house will be a good way to spend your time at the start of June. Repairing or replacing appliances, upgrading plumbing systems and checking out faulty wiring. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring a disappointing result with a legal or official matter. Resist the temptation to hide away from the world. You’ll get over things more quickly by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and relatives. Avoid getting into an argument with an expert in the middle of the month or you’ll alienate a potential ally. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a chance to promote a brilliant idea and win support from someone who can make all the difference to your plans. As the month draws to a close, you’ll have to reach a consensus with a partner. Trying to talk logic to a business associate or a loving partner will be an exercise in futility.

Your services are required on the home front at the beginning of July. It may be necessary to take time off work to handle domestic responsibilities. Your employer won’t be happy with the situation, but you have no other option. Neighbours are ready to lend a helping hand. Don’t fail to accept their offers of help. On the 9th, the Full Moon will come to your professional rescue. You’ll be able to leave a restricting work situation for a far better one. Don’t let erratic behaviour hurt your reputation in the middle of the month. If you feel restless, find a healthy channel for your nervous energy. Brisk exercise and creative projects can relieve tension. The New Moon on the 23rd is perfect for fulfilling romantic desires. If you’re single, you will meet someone special at a sporting event or contest. Are you already in a relationship? Arrange a fun outing that’s tailored to your amour’s taste.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

You’ll be getting lots of admiring glances at the beginning of June, when your natural charisma will be powerfully accentuated. On the 9th, the Full Moon will bring about an unexpected challenge to your finances. You’ll have to dip into savings or go into debt to put things right. No matter how strongly you object, you will be expected to satisfy this obligation. If you need an additional source of income, you’ll find it during the second half of the month. The New Moon on the 24th will prompt you to take a class, learn a skill or begin a writing project. This venture will give you lots of intellectual stimulation and improve your outlook. As July approaches, you’ll be forced to stick with a dull routine, despite your desire to branch out. Instead of neglecting your responsibilities, make extra efforts to fulfil them. Proving your reliability will pave the way for opportunity. You’re being put to the test.

Handling facts and figures will be harder than you thinking. You may decide to take a course at the beginning of the month. Expanding your skill set will make you less reliant on expensive experts. Money for luxuries will be available; give yourself a treat for facing up to a challenging situation. The Full Moon on the 9th will mark the successful conclusion of a legal matter. You’ll be happy to put this situation behind you and focus on more rewarding pursuits. Taking an overseas journey could transform your dreams and aspirations. During the second half of July, you’ll enjoy spending more time in and around your home. This is a great time to invent recipes and redecorate drab rooms. On the 23rd, the New Moon will send help in the form of an attentive relative. Let this family member paper and pet you. A little tender loving care will recharge your batteries. Begin work on a creative project as August approaches.

GEMINI (May22nd-June21st)

People will be very receptive to your ideas at the beginning of the month. Take this opportunity to go for a job interview, ask for a date or submit creative work for review. The Full Moon on the 9th will put a great deal of strain on a close relationship. You may decide to part from an impractical person who often fails to keep their promises. During the second half of June, you’ll have to follow a difficult and demanding set of rules to get ahead. Going against the grain will only end up in you missing out on an opportunity. On the 24th, the New Moon will attract an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Getting paid to solve problems and increase productivity will be the answer to a prayer. The end of the month will tempt you to indulge your sensual side. Play for time and postpone making any expensive purchases. It would be better to conserve your resources to cover a surprise expense.

Throwing money at a problem won’t make it disappear. In order to overcome a persistent problem, you’ll have to use all your willpower and determination. Your efforts will pay off handsomely, giving you a confidence that will turn heads. On the 9th, the Full Moon will enrich your bank account in the form of an inheritance, refund or royalty payment. Use this money to create long term financial security. This would be a great time to put a down payment on a home or car. During the middle of the month, you’ll be tempted to splash out on a lot of lavish status symbols. Ignore this desire; you’ll quickly tire of a fancy mobile or entertainment centre. The New Moon on the 23rd will find you flirting with an attentive admirer. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. As July comes to a close, you’ll get a chance to sell your skills or your handiwork for a tidy profit.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

It’s the power of your personality that will win over sceptics and attract admirers at the beginning of June. Be more assertive than usual and don’t take no for an answer; this is your chance to get your agenda met. On the 9th, you could experience some physical problems. Get a medical consultation for a nagging ache or pain. Working behind the scenes toward the middle of the month will be instructive. Team up with an unconventional leader who is more interested in innovation than tradition. The New Moon on the 24th is ideal for starting a job or assuming another role. Your ideas will be well received by your colleagues. Word of your talent will spread, making you a hot commodity in both your personal and professional lives. If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business, this will be the perfect time to take the plunge. Integrate your name into the title and logo; it’s the key to your success.

A pushy attitude will create problems in a close relationship. You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar at the start of the month. A brilliant moneymaking idea is worth checking out. Turn a deaf ear to a pessimistic pal or reluctant relative who thinks this particular is doomed to disaster. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring a welcome opportunity to repair a strained romance. Put an end to an ongoing power struggle and work together instead. An opportunity to improve your living space will arrive at mid-month. Take this opportunity to buy furniture, artwork and appliances that appeal to your impeccable taste. On the 23rd, the New Moon will inspire you to start a project that is dear to your heart. Doing work that is personally meaningful will uplift and inspire you. It will also give you the courage to break away from an oppressive situation that has drained your energy.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

Your ideas will be well-received at the beginning of June making this a great time to give a presentation or make a proposal. Money will be tight, so be prepared to work with a limited budget. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to reconsider a romantic relationship. You may decide your partner is more trouble than they are worth. The middle of the month will find you busy with a creative project and so there won’t be much time for social pursuits. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a welcome chance to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Head for a tranquil place by the water where you can hear yourself think. As the month winds down, you may decide to leave an oppressive job. Don’t jeopardise your health for the sake of money. You could find a better job at a government agency, university or hospital.

Your working environment will feel oppressive at the beginning of July, due to a cantankerous colleague. It’s time to file an official complaint. If you can’t put space between you and them, start looking for another position. On the 9th, you’ll feel able to wrap up your duties and move on to a bigger and better opportunity. Don’t worry if it takes a while to get your bearings toward the middle of the month. A little patience and persistence will pay off; it will take a long time to get accustomed to new surroundings or changed circumstances. The New Moon on the 23rd will find you stepping into an enjoyable role. Serving as a spokesperson for a company or cause will be a great use of your star power. The closing days of the month will let you slow down your pace. Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. A break will allow you to take full advantage of all the magic that awaits you in August.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

The start of June will be stimulating on the home as well as the work fronts. Your love life could suffer while you’re busy running between your place and the office. It’s important to give professional matters your full attention; doing a great job will result in a pay rise, promotion or both. On the 9th, the Full Moon could cause a smouldering family argument to erupt. You’ll have to have a talk with your amour about treating your relatives in a more respectful manner. Alternatively, you might have to defend your romantic partner from a hyper critical family member. You’ll have to spread yourself thinly at the middle of the month, when your boss will need you to review some very detailed documents. The New Moon on the 24th will bring welcome relief from your labours. Take this opportunity to attend a barbecue or garden party. You’re sure to have some highly entertaining conversations at this get together.

A romantic partner will urge you to abandon a lifelong dream at the beginning of July. You may decide it’s better to break off the relationship than ditch those things that are dear to your heart. Putting the finishing touches to a new career plan or creative idea will open your eyes to the potential of a new life direction. The Full Moon on the 9th will prompt you to make an important decision about your love life. It may be better to go solo than stay with someone who dampens your spirit. During the second half of the month, you will be in great demand. Be willing to explain and expound your views and values. People will be very receptive to your ideas. By the 23rd, you’ll be able to take a well-deserved break from your labours. Head for a glamorous country you’ve always wanted to visit. You’ll have a wonderful time dining at fine restaurants, going to concerts and sightseeing at museums. Enjoy.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

The opening days of June will be very romantic. If you’re single, you could fall head over heels in love with little or no warning. Are you in a relationship? Your partner will get surprising news that prompts a string of celebrations. The Full Moon on the 9th could bring some disappointing news about a job; your work may not be as well received as expected. Pick yourself up and dust yourself and make a fresh start around the middle of the month. Working with a partner will fill the gaps of your knowledge and teach you valuable skills. On the 24th, the New Moon will bring an exciting opportunity to climb the ladder of success. Take a job in one of the caring professions. Getting paid to improve other people’s lives will be very satisfying. As June turns into July, you’ll have to postpone work to deal with domestic responsibilities. Finding care for a relative could command the lion’s share of your attention.

You’re tired of insufferable behaviour of someone you live with or work with. Instead of enduring their outrageous behaviour with a silent smile, confront them head on about it at the beginning of the month. People will rally to your side. If someone as courteous as you has reached their breaking point, it means there is a real problem. On the 9th, the Full Moon will help you wrap up an important domestic matter. It’s a great time to buy or sell a piece of property. Alternatively, you may decide to move to somewhere that is radically different from your current home. The second half of July will be festive. You’ll enjoy making the rounds of a series of parties. The New Moon on the 23rd will mark the beginning of a group project. Working alongside other creative people will bring out the best in you. At the end of the month, go on a job interview, make a presentation or even try your hand at local politics.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

You’ll have a chance to create long term financial security at the start of June. Be willing to accept a job with plenty of growth opportunity. The salary might be small at first, but it will steadily grow over time. On the 9th, the Full Moon will force you to fight for money that is owed to you. Don’t let a charming individual cheat you out of a payment that is rightfully yours. At the middle of the month, you might have to put some expenses on a credit card until your finances begin to improve. The New Moon on the 24th will attract an exciting opportunity to expand your horizons through travel, writing or studying. Toward the end of the month, you will exchange tense words with someone who thinks they know more than you. You’re tired of having your expertise brushed aside. Assert your authority.

At the start of July, angry words could be exchanged with a powerful individual. You may decide it’s no longer worth it to put up with this oppressive person. Don’t second guess or go back on your decision. Although it will take time to find another opportunity, it will come eventually. The Full Moon on the 9th will bring reassuring news that you made the right choice. Solitary activities will be therapeutic during the middle of the month. Head off to a quiet retreat near the water where you can hear yourself think. On the 23rd, the New Moon will bring an exciting career opportunity that makes your eyes sparkle with joy. Being able to work for a glamorous company or industry will renew your zest for life. As August approaches, you’ll have a chance to travel abroad. Take this opportunity to buy some beautiful items you couldn’t possibly find at home. Art made by local craftspeople is especially favoured.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)

Friendship could turn to romance at the beginning of the month. If you’re already in a relationship, your partner will encourage you to take a life enhancing decision. Follow their advice. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to take a stand against your family. Don’t let your relatives pressurise you into an arrangement that doesn’t suit you. The middle of the month warns against being too hard on a romantic partner or business associate. Instead of demanding perfection, take mistakes with a grain of salt. On the 24th, the New Moon will bring a handsome windfall. Use the money from a legal settlement, insurance refund or inheritance for a down payment on a home. Paying off a mortgage is another possibility. Having a secure domestic life will allow you to take risks in other areas. As June turns to July, you’ll have to make difficult financial choices. Watch your back and protect your interests.

Money will be thin on the ground at the beginning of the month. This isn’t a good time to make expensive purchases. You can have plenty of inexpensive fun at home. Invite friends over for a meal and box set marathon. On the 9th, you could receive a fiscal fillip, courtesy of the Full Moon. After paying your bills, put the rest of this money in savings. You will need a cushion to protect you from financial uncertainty. The middle of the month will put a strain on a romantic relationship. You may decide your amour is too emotional for your taste. Don’t hesitate to accept an important career assignment during the second half of July; this will be a great time to bolster your professional reputation. The New Moon on the 23rd will inspire you to expand your horizons in some way. Schedule an exotic trip, begin a writing project or enrol in an intriguing course of study.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

A creative project will bring you lots of satisfaction in the early days of June. This is a great time to redecorate a drab room, begin work on a book or take up a new interest. On the 9th, an embarrassing secret will come to light. Instead of denying the truth, own up to it. This will allow you to repair some broken relationships and make a fresh start. As incredible as it seems, there is a silver lining to this cloud. You will be doing battle with a bureaucratic agency during the middle of the month. No matter how many facts and figures you produce it is unlikely that you will make any headway. Turn to your best friend or romantic partner for comfort on the 24th, when the New Moon will give extra support to close relationships. As the July approaches, you will have difficulty convincing someone to follow your plan. Try not to take their decision personally.

Show respect for a loved one’s opinions throughout early July. Although you want them to adopt your views, you may never change them. It will probably be best to agree to disagree. Balancing your personal and professional lives will also be difficult; putting in a lot of overtime will hurt your loved one’s feelings. The Full Moon on the 9th will give you a greater measure of control over a chaotic situation. Take this opportunity to salvage a project that is falling apart at the seams. During the middle of the month, you’ll be doing battle with a relative whose erratic behaviour drives you to distraction. Unless this family member gets help for their issues, you may want to keep a healthy distance. On the 23rd, the New Moon will prompt you to embark on an intimate relationship. Let down your defences with someone who has proven their loyalty. Property matters are favoured as August draws near.

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

You will make a splash on social media at the beginning of the month. This is a great time to promote a product, post a dating profile or launch a blog. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to back out of a social engagement. There simply won’t be the funds to go on an expensive outing. An educational opportunity will fall into your lap in the middle of the month. Take full advantage of it. On the 24th, the New Moon will help you make headway with a health regime. Following a better diet, taking daily exercise and getting more sleep will make you look and feel much better. As June draws to a close, you’ll be torn between a romantic relationship and a friendship. Someone who feels threatened by your partner will try to sabotage your personal life. The sooner you put some distance between you and this troublemaker, the better.

You’ll feel overburdened with work as July waves goodbye to June. Don’t push yourself too hard or you will suffer burnout. If you’d like a different job, apply for a place at a charity or humanitarian organisation. Getting paid to make the world a better place will be the answer to a prayer. On the 9th, the Full Moon will bring the end to a period of seclusion. You’ll welcome the chance to join the social scene again. The middle of the month will bring an opportunity to travel abroad. Visiting a country known for its cultural refinement will be right up your street. Are you looking for love? You’ll have to be more assertive with a romantic interest during the second half of the month. The New Moon on the 23rd could find you embarking on an enthralling new relationship. It’s a great time to enter into a romantic or business partnership. You’ll make a hit on social media as August approaches.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

A grant, loan or gift will allow you to make a cherished dream come true at the beginning of June. Don’t question your luck; embrace it. To give thanks to the Universe, make a donation to your favourite charity. This will keep the good karma flowing. On the 9th, the Full Moon will put you at the centre of a controversy. You might have to take the blame for someone else’s mistake or issue an apology for a wrong move. Swallow your pride and be as gracious as possible. A humble attitude will help you maintain your reputation. The strain will ease on the 24th, when the New Moon invites you to take a vacation. Choose a location that has fascinated you since childhood. Exploring historical and cultural places of interest will be especially fun. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special on this trip. Are you in a relationship? You and your amour will benefit from time away from home.

Friends will want you to put an end to an enjoyable hobby in the early days of July. Stick to your guns; you’re too smart to bow to peer pressure and there’s no reason why you should. Staying true to your ideals could put you in the path of romance. If you already have a partner, schedule a fun getaway for just the two of you. The Full Moon on the 9th marks the end of a challenging group project. People will be so impressed with your efforts that you’ll be offered bigger and better assignments. Toward the middle of July, you’ll find family relationships will get challenging. To go along with a stuffy relative, you’ll have to put on a false front toward the middle of the month. On the 23rd, you’ll receive and interesting offer, courtesy of the New Moon. You’ll jump at the opportunity to get paid for exercising your imagination. As August approaches, you’ll be working on a financially and emotionally fulfilling project.





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