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What do the stars have in store for YOU?

RUSSELL_GRANTARIES March 21st – April 20th

Power struggles erupt in the opening days of December leaving you angry and exhausted. Fortunately, a loving in-law or teacher will be on hand to take your mind off your stresses and tension. Be open to seeing a movie or show with this friend. The change in surroundings and the relaxed atmosphere will do you a power of good. The New Moon on the 11th gives you a chance to travel overseas. Take this opportunity to visit a country that has always fascinated you. If you can’t get away, read a book or watch a movie set in an exotic locale. By the time Christmas arrives, you’ll be ready to spend some quality time with family. This will prove one of the most enjoyable holidays ever, with a variety of relatives coming together in the interest of peace and harmony. You will receive some really nice gifts, too. Ring out the old year with friends from a different country. Observing their traditions and enjoying their native land’s cuisine will be fun.

Neither a lender nor a borrower be in the early stages of 2016. Mixing friendship with finance could result in disaster. Fortunately, job prospects are good for you. An opportunity for career advancement will arrive. Try not to be too pushy about having your wish granted. People will take their time to choose the perfect candidate. Practice patience. The New Moon on the 10th will present a golden opportunity to command the spotlight. Running for office is another strong possibility. An exciting travel opportunity might come your way in January and you’ll get a real buzz from an exotic destination with a spiritual connection. Resist the urge to challenge your boss’s authority during the second half of the month. It’s especially important to be professional as January comes to a close. The Full Moon on the 24th brings an end to a period of play. Roll up your sleeves and make a renewed commitment to work.


TAURUS April 21st – May 21st

An intimate relationship is a profound source of happiness throughout early December. Whenever you encounter a problem, your partner will be there to help. When you experience good fortune, they’ll be on hand to celebrate. The two of you will be working in perfect harmony. The New Moon on the 11th brings great financial news, when your best friend or partner gets a raise. You will be sure to get a share of their earnings. Alternatively, you could win a lawsuit or get money through an insurance settlement. Go ahead and splurge on Christmas presents and decorations. You have a lot to celebrate. The Full Moon on the 25th causes your phone to ring off the hook. Friends, relatives and neighbours will be eager to wish you a happy holiday. Take this opportunity to reconnect with your nearest and dearest. Ring out 2014 with your favourite person by your side. New Year’s Eve will be extremely romantic.

Career concerns will occupy much of your time in the opening days of 2016. This is a wonderful time to apply for positions, go on job interviews and confer with authority figures about your future. You may consider working for a former employer. Resist the urge to go on a spending spree if you get a rise or land a good promotion. It’s better to put additional income into a savings account. Serious discussions about joint finances could occur in early January; you might have to make a few concessions for the sake of long-term stability. The New Moon on the 10th is perfect for traveling overseas, enrolling in an advanced course of study or launching a writing project. An unexpected visitor could arrive in the middle of January adding some excitement to your life. By the time the Full Moon rises on the 24th, you’ll be anxious to make some changes to your domestic life. Don’t make any hasty decisions about relocating.


GEMINI May 22nd – June 21st

A friendship could turn to romance quite suddenly in early December. If you’re already in a relationship, make an effort to respect your partner’s family traditions throughout the holiday season. Be sure to fill out forms during the first half of the month to obtain an insurance refund, legal settlement, or tuition money. The New Moon on the 11th is wonderful for getting engaged, married, or having a commitment ceremony. If you’re already in a relationship, your amour will do something special to celebrate your union. Pretend to be surprised. The Full Moon on the 25th ensures this will be one of the best Christmases in recent memory. Your stocking will be filled with lavish gifts. Best of all, you’ll have a marvellous opportunity to connect with your nearest and dearest. Ring out the old year with the object of your affection. If you’re single, you are sure to meet someone special at an intimate party.

Being able to showcase your expert knowledge will be challenging in the early days of 2016. It may be better to focus on doing a good job with daily responsibilities. Being a strong team player can pave the way for bigger and better opportunities. Home renovations could take up the lion’s share of your time in early January. This is also a good time to reconnect with people from your childhood and repairing troubled family relationships. News of an engagement or marriage could reach your ears in January. You could even be the one who decides to join lives with a partner. If you’re already in a serious relationship, your amour could realise a cherished dream. Be sure to celebrate their good fortune. An argument with a relative, neighbour or colleague could erupt near the 24th. That’s when the Full Moon will stir up powerful emotions and create lots of unnecessary drama.


CANCER June 22nd – July 23rd

Early December is perfect for finding love. If you’re single, be sure to go to as many holiday parties as possible. You’re sure to meet someone special on one of these outings. Are you already in a relationship? Arrange to spend some quality time with your amour. Make dinner reservations at a fancy restaurant. Schedule a weekend getaway at a cosy retreat. Buy your partner a meaningful token of your affection. Do whatever you can to keep the passion alive. The New Moon on the 11th will bring an exciting job offer. Make preparations for Christmas with your best friend or romantic partner. This is sure to be a special season for the both of you. The Full Moon on the 25th prompts someone to make a selfless gesture on your behalf. Get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions by launching a health program at the end of December.

2016 will be a time of passion, creativity and romance. You may play the aggressor with an attractive newcomer. Pursuing the object of your affection will bolster your confidence and pave the way for some exciting adventures. If you already have a partner, you and your amour may decide to make some profound changes to your life together. You might have to renounce a career opportunity for the sake of this relationship. Making a sacrifice could pay off handsomely on the 10th, when the New Moon favours a fresh start. Combining business with pleasure is a strong possibility in January; think about launching an enterprise with your amour this January. A big bill could arrive towards the end of the month, causing some tension. Talk to a relative or romantic partner about exercising more financial restraint. Cutting costs will pave the way for a more financially secure year ahead. Be as frugal as possible.


LEO July 24th – August 23rd

You’ll be filled with energy throughout early December helping you get into the festive Christmas spirit. Take this opportunity to shop for gifts, put up decorations and throw a party. You’ll get great news about a legal matter on or around the 9th, which adds to your joy. The New Moon on the 11th is suffused with romance. If you’re single, you will meet someone special at a Christmas celebration. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner will be extra affectionate. The second half of the month will be busy with work, as you might have to cover for a holidaying colleague. The Full Moon on the 25th marks one of the happiest Christmases in recent memory. Revel in the company of family and friends. You’ll be able to ring out the old year in style, when you receive an invitation to a very glamorous party. Wear something special to this glittering occasion.

Relationship matters and contract negotiations will characterise the opening days of 2016. Two heads are definitely better than one. Resist the urge to push your family’s way of doing things on a romantic or business partner. Developing a more straightforward method will benefit you both. Big changes are occurring on the work front, resulting in some different responsibilities for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional training if you are out of your depth. Nobody can learn a new job overnight. The New Moon on the 10th is ideal for launching a fitness regime. You could see quick results from an improved diet and increased exercise. Feeling better will give you the inspiration to pursue fresh moneymaking opportunities. Resist the urge to go on a big shopping spree if you find yourself flush with funds. Instead of splashing out on clothes, a cosmetic procedure or makeover on the 24th, be as frugal as possible.


VIRGO August 24th – September 23rd

Someone will offer you free tickets to an exclusive event in early December. Accept this generous gift right away, before a rival steals them away. Spending lots of money won’t buy someone’s affection on the 6th. You’re better off waiting for someone who loves the real you. The New Moon on the 11th is perfect for sealing all sorts of deals and arrangements. You’ll either get a spacious place for a good price, or sell a property for a handsome profit. The second half of December finds you making merry with friends, neighbours and colleagues. Attend as many holiday parties as possible. The Full Moon rises on the 25th; giving Christmas a magical feeling you will never forget. Don’t be surprised when a cherished wish is granted to you. Ring out 2014 at a glamorous party. You’re sure to make some valuable professional contacts at this event, so bring some business cards.

Give careful thought to your health in the opening days of 2016. Keeping anxiety at bay should be your first priority. Practicing relaxation techniques can make you feel stronger and happier. Set better boundaries with neighbours and relatives whose inconsiderate behaviour is driving you to distraction. You may decide to keep a low profile in early January, just as a means to take better care of yourself. Don’t feel pressure to attend a family function that fills you with dread. You’re better off resting, relaxing and reflecting. The New Moon on the 10th could attract a romantic opportunity. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at work or at a professional conference. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour may be especially attentive. Enjoy spending more quality time together. As January draws to a close, you might have to spend a little more money on car repairs or technical equipment.


LIBRA September 24th – October 23rd

More money for luxuries becomes available in early December, making holiday shopping especially enjoyable. Go ahead and splurge on decorations, food and gifts. The New Moon on the 11th gives you an opportunity to teach or take a class. This course will give you lots of intellectual stimulation. It will also put you on the path to romance. If you already have a partner, your amour will prove helpful with completing homework assignments or creating course materials. A generous relative will give you a family heirloom in mid-December, enhancing the seasons’ spirit even further. The Full Moon falls on Christmas and it looks like you will be receiving some truly fabulous gifts. A big dinner featuring traditional recipes will make this a day to remember. You’ll get a last minute invitation to an exclusive New Year party. Be sure to accept. You’ll be rubbing elbows with some very attractive people at this gathering.

You will have to put your money where your mouth is in early 2016. If you want to pursue another line of work, it may be necessary to invest in new equipment or return to the classroom. Do whatever is necessary to promote your cause. Failing to make sacrifices could cause you to lose the support of influential friends, relatives and colleagues. Changes are occurring to your household. Trying to maintain the status quo will be an exercise in futility. There’s a good chance you will buy or sell a property around the 10th, courtesy of the New Moon. This turn of events could give you more time for spiritual and solitary pursuits. Beware of getting in pointless arguments with relatives and neighbours during the second half of January. Agree to disagree about contentious topics like culture, religion and politics. By the time the Full Moon rises on the 24th, you may reconsider a friendship with an annoying egotist.


SCORPIO October 24th – November 22nd

Spend the opening days of December negotiating a pay raise. If you’re unemployed, this is a good time to go on job interviews. Don’t bother blending in with the crowd. Seek to distinguish yourself in some way, like by wearing a vivid colour or striking piece of jewellery on an interview. You’ll attract plenty of admiring glances on the 5th; this is one of the best times of the entire year to find love. The New Moon on the 11th brings an unexpected source of income. Use this money to pay off debts and buy a lavish Christmas present or two. An intense flirtation adds a welcome dash of spice to the second half of December. The Full Moon falls on Christmas this year, making this one of the most romantic holidays in recent memory. Ring in the New Year with your favourite people this year. An intimate gathering is preferable to a big bash.

Household matters will occupy most of your attention in early 2016. This is a wonderful time to make more time for family and domestic pursuits. You have the power to make big improvements. Whether this means moving to a new place, welcoming someone into your home or buying a home is immaterial. The important thing is to create a living arrangement that makes sense for you. If you’re shopping for furniture and artwork, you could find some nicely priced bargains at an antique fair or flea market. Restoring shabby items to their original beauty has always been a specialty of yours. The New Moon on the 10th could prompt you to take a short trip for business. In addition, you might be able to visit an old friend who lives near this destination. You’ll have to play the aggressor in a budding romance. A career opportunity may not be worth pursuing in the closing days of January.


SAGITTARIUS November 23rd – December 21st

The opening days of December sharpen your intuition. Trust your instincts at this time, especially regarding romantic matters. Don’t accept a work assignment without asking plenty of questions on the 4th. This project will be more than you can handle. You’ll find an enthusiastic audience for your ideas during the first half of December. This is a great time to organise a charity drive for underprivileged children. The New Moon on the 11th may prompt you to change your look in some way. Getting a different style or updating your wardrobe will be lots of fun. Practice moderation during mid-December, or you will be too tired to make the full round of holiday parties. The Full Moon falls on Christmas. This is a fabulous time to pledge your devotion, exchange rings, or join households. You’ll be looking your best at the end of December. Be sure to wear something fabulous to a New Year’s Eve party.

You may have difficulty seeing eye to eye with an unrealistic relative in the opening days of 2016. The two of you have different priorities and expectations. Trying to convert one another will be an exercise in futility. Fortunately, you will have an opportunity to step out of the spotlight at work. Adopting a more low key role will give you a chance to rest and regroup. The New Moon on the 10th could present a fresh moneymaking opportunity. Working behind the scenes for a powerful executive is a strong possibility. Your love life will heat up in the second half of January; it may be hard to resist the charms of a wild rebel. If you’re already in a relationship, your amour may be anxious to take a holiday. This isn’t the best time to get away. A short trip may be preferable to an extended break, particularly as the Full Moon approaches on the 24th.


CAPRICORN December 22nd – January 20th

You’re feeling pretty reckless in early December, but beware of pressing your luck with your boss. Taking their generosity for granted could lead to trouble. The New Moon on the 11th affords a welcome opportunity to rest, relax and rejuvenate before the holidays are officially underway. Try not to take on more than you can handle in mid-December, since you’ll need all of your energy for family festivities. Some last minute shopping will lift your spirits on the 17th, when you find the perfect gift for your favourite person. The Full Moon on the 25th marks a tender celebration with the one you love. Prepare to receive a lovely present that brings tears to your eyes. Are you single? A relative or neighbour will offer to set you up on a blind date. Go ahead and accept. 2015 ends on a quiet note. Spend New Year’s Eve cuddled in your amour’s arms, rather than attending a wild party.

Salary negotiations and money matters will occupy your attention in the opening days of 2016. This is a wonderful time to land a lucrative job, create a sensible budget and improve your financial situation. Your powers of persuasion will be especially strong, so take this opportunity to talk to your boss or desired employer. Tension between your personal and professional lives could erupt, due to a relative’s desire to spend more quality time with you. Don’t make promises you can’t deliver, especially during the first half of the month. The New Moon on the 10th is ideal for accepting an executive position. Getting a makeover, cosmetic procedure and wardrobe upgrade are among the possibilities. An opportunity to expand your horizons through a trip or advanced course of learning is worth pursuing during the second half of the month. When the Full Moon rises on the 24th, it could be hard to enjoy an active love life as well as an active social life.


AQUARIUS January 21st – February 19th

You’ll be able to strike a very good deal in the opening days of December. This is one of the best times of year to sign a contract. Take care to negotiate a fair deal for yourself or you could rob yourself of significant sums of money. A talented legal professional will give you the guidance you need. Don’t begrudge them of their fee; this expert is worth every penny you pay. The New Moon on the 11th is ideal for launching a fundraiser for underprivileged members of your community. Your professional prospects will improve as a result of this effort. Christmas will be a relaxing, laid back holiday this year. The Full Moon falls on the 25th, inviting you to cuddle with the one you love. If you’re single, you may opt to spend a few hours on a rewarding creative project. You’ll feel a lot more social on New Year’s Eve, when you’ll attend a glamorous party.

You’ll have a receptive audience for your ideas in early 2016. If you’ve ever wanted to work from home, this would be an ideal opportunity to propose such an arrangement. Alternatively, you might launch a home-based business that will give you greater control over your time. It may take some time to strike a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives, so be patient, particularly during the first half of January. The New Moon on the 10th could pave the way for spiritual pursuits. Solitary pleasures like reading, writing and communing with nature can recharge your batteries. Your star power will steadily mount as the month draws to a close; take this opportunity to go on job interviews, auditions and first dates. Vow to listen more than you speak during these meetings. A close partnership will show signs of strain near the 24th, when the Full Moon causes tension between your personal and professional lives.


PISCES February 20th – March 20th

The opening days of December are ideal for negotiating a pay raise. Don’t let a pessimistic friend discourage you from asking for the top amount. If you stick to your guns, you will be happy with the result. The New Moon on the 11th brings an exciting career opportunity. Not only will your responsibilities be interesting, but the pay will be fantastic. Your best friend or lover may not be enthusiastic about this job, but that’s only because they’re afraid of how it will affect your relationship. Give them all the reassurance they need and more. This month’s Full Moon falls on Christmas, making it one of the most romantic holidays in recent memory. Be sure to give your amour a beautiful token of your appreciation. If you’re single, somebody will race forward to kiss you under the mistletoe. Be sure to attend a work party on New Year’s Eve. You’ll have a fabulous time.

Keeping a low profile is strongly advised in the early days of 2016. While everybody else will be running to the gym and demanding meetings, you’ll quietly make progress in your love life. The power of your personality will help you to attract attention at every turn. Resist the urge to mix business with pleasure, particularly during the first half of the month. The New Moon on the 10th is ideal for attending a party; you’ll have an opportunity to rub elbows with some influential business leaders. You might have to decide whether to pursue a personal or professional relationship with an attractive executive. Traveling overseas could be exciting during the second half of January. You will breathe a sigh of relief when an unpleasant assignment comes to a close around the 24th. This will give you more time for social and artistic pursuits; career concerns will be less pressing as February approaches.





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