Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsCarers'Public don't understand the impact disability has on carers'

‘Public don’t understand the impact disability has on carers’

CARERSmainA NEW national report says that the public do not understand how disability impacts on the lives of the UK’s 6.5 million carers.

The report claims a general lack of understanding about the pressures placed on many people who care for a disabled, older or ill family member or friend badly affects their health, wellbeing, relationships and finances.

Three-quarters of carers say their community does not understand or value their caring role, resulting in high numbers of people struggling to balance other areas of their lives.

One carer said: “Attempting to get understanding, advice, support and emergency care can be very challenging, exhausting and beyond stressful.”

Emily Holzhausen, who leads the Carers Week Partnership, said: “Carers have told us that it makes a huge difference to their lives when they are supported by their local services and communities; whether that’s being offered a flexible appointment to see their GP, having flexible working policies from their employers, or their school raising awareness of caring and disability.

“We’re calling on individuals, organisations and Government to think about what they can do to improve the lives of carers in their community.”

Carers UK Helpline 0808 808 7777


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