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HomeInformationEducation InformationMoving on from school and the Connexions service

Moving on from school and the Connexions service

People involved in supporting your child throughout their education should also play an important role in preparing their move into adult life.

If your child has a statement of special educational needs (SEN), the annual review in year 9 is particularly important in preparing for their future and adult life. Of course, your child’s education will not necessarily stop at 16.

The Transition Plan

Everyone involved in the ‘Transition Plan’, for example, teachers, social services and health professionals, will consider the possibilities for further education. You and your child will be asked to help with this plan. Your child could:

  • stay on at school (or a special school)
  • move to a college of further education
  • move into work-based training
  • move into employment

The Connexions service

Connexions brings together a full range of support services so that young people aged 13-19 can overcome barriers to their education, training and employment opportunities.

Sometimes, young people are able to receive support up to the age of 25.

Connexions is delivered through a network of personal advisers linking in with specialist support services, including services for young people with SEN. A personal adviser should have been involved in the year 9 review.

Your local education authority should have in place arrangements for working in partnership with Connexions.

Connexions will work with further education and training providers to make sure your child gets the help they need.

Further education

Further education means the types of education available to students over the age of 16 who are not at university and studying, for example, for a degree (higher education). Typically, further education includes A-levels, AS levels and certain vocational, or work-based, qualifications


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