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HomeFeaturesHoroscopesWhat do the stars have in store for YOU?

What do the stars have in store for YOU?

RUSSELL_GRANTTOP astrologer RUSSELL GRANT looks at what the stars have in store for you . . .

ARIES March 21st – April 20th

You’re tired of being picked apart by petty critics. An opportunity to find meaningful work could arrive in the second half of the month. Publishing, education and travel are all good industries to explore for career opportunities. A close relationship will show signs of strains on the 23rd, due to a stressful Lunar Eclipse. Taking a solitary holiday is strongly advised as April approaches. Visit a country that has fascinated you since childhood.


TAURUS April 21st – May 21st

During the second half of March, your creative impulses will be stimulated. This will be a great time to paint, play music or design works of beauty. A work assignment will come to an end near the 23rd, due to a Lunar Eclipse. Try not to let this situation cause lots of stress. You have to clear the decks to make way for fresh opportunities.


GEMINI May 22nd – June 21st

Finding a way to work from home is a distinct possibility during the second half of the month. The results of a creative project will be disappointing on the 23rd, when a Lunar Eclipse causes harsh critics to come out of the woodwork. Try to take this disappointment with a pinch of salt. Treat this challenge as a test of character. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off.


CANCER June 22nd – July 23rd

During the second half of March, your business or romantic partner will spread the word of your talent. Landing a lucrative assignment is a distinct possibility. It may be necessary to move around the 23rd, when a Lunar Eclipse makes emergency repairs necessary.


LEO July 24th – August 23rd

A troubled relationship with a relative or neighbour could come to an end near the 23rd. That’s when a Lunar Eclipse will force you to face some painful realities. Going away on an extended break can help you to come to terms with this loss as April approaches. It will be a relief to escape familiar surroundings.


VIRGO August 24th – September 23rd

Finding a middle ground is possible during the second half of the month, when you’ll be able to make some personal sacrifices on behalf of your partner. A Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd will cause a source of income to dry up. Don’t panic. It may take time to find a steady job, so be patient.


LIBRA September 24th – October 23rd

Some holistic therapy could be helpful during the second half of the month. Let your best friend or romantic partner relieve you of chores while you recover. You may decide to upgrade your appearance on the 23rd, due to a Lunar Eclipse. Saying goodbye to the past and embracing a more cutting edge look is strongly advised. A business or romantic partner can help you with valuable knowledge and know how as April approaches.


SCORPIO October 24th – November 22nd

Be open to criticism, even if it stings a little. There will be lots of trial and error involved with an art project during the second half of the month. A tasteful friend will offer good advice about improving your performance. A Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd will force you out of the shadows. You’ll have to assume a more public role at work.


SAGITTARIUS November 23rd – December 21st

This is a time to accumulate money, not spend it. An exciting career opportunity will arrive during the second half of March, changing the course of your life. Doing work that is both lucrative and satisfying will be the answer to a prayer. Breaking away from an oppressive group will be liberating on the 23rd, when the Lunar Eclipse causes you to question the company you keep.


CAPRICORN December 22nd – January 20th

You may have to repeatedly defend yourself during the second half of the month. Keep a low profile. Working behind the scenes will be more rewarding and less stressful. A Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd will bring an end to a painful career matter. Take this opportunity to spend more quality time with your nearest and dearest. Having an enriching personal life is critical to your professional success. If you have to take a break from work, do it with an open and grateful heart.


AQUARIUS January 21st – February 19th

During the second half of the month, money from an inheritance, refund or legal settlement will improve your financial situation. Put as much as this windfall as possible into a savings account, where it can protect you from economic uncertainty. A Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd could cause a hero to fall from grace.


PISCES February 20th – March 20th

If you’re looking for love, you could find it with an old friend during the second half of the month. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will have exciting news about a job or creative opportunity. Go out and celebrate. Don’t make the mistake of getting deep in debt on the 23rd. That’s when a Lunar Eclipse will force you to become more financially responsible.



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